About me


I’m a man that loves life, my wife, my dog, and the world. I love doing what makes me happy and exploring where my curiosity takes me. I believe if you are humble and keep an open mind to learning you will be on an adventure of a lifetime.

My dog Rocky and I, my best most awesome buddy ever.


I Started my wood working career a little differently than most. I never took wood shop in high school and am in large part a self-taught woodworker. It started with a carving book for Hannukah one year and on the third page was a spoon. Well, I’m here to tell you I never got to page four. I worked in the tile industry for ten years and did not know I had a creative side. I always liked building things though and vividly remember a day when my brother and I where “helping” my dad build a ramp with a hammer.

Now I’m a full time carpenter and make wooden goods when I get home from work to decompress. I’m not quite sure what it is about the spoon but it might be the fact that I can make something that is so human, a shape that has been carved for literal centuries, or just the amount of focus your brain needs when carving that drowns out all the noise. The fact is though is it kinda’ consumed me. I sometimes carve in streaks and can make ten items a weekend and other times I go a month without carving. The fact is though I love doing it and I just happen to produce a inventory that I would like to share with the world. If one spoon brings joy to someone then, mission accomplished. I also have started making trays, flower vases and would love to make bowls. I have made stools and necklaces. I am not afraid to try something new and am eager to learn and gain experience.

For the past two years I have been enjoying a carpentry career. I started out as a finish carpenter setting doors vanities, windows, railings, base, case and other things. Now I am a remodel carpenter doing everything from demo to frame finish. I’m trying to learn everything I need to build a house. One day I may build a cabin for me and my family and that would be glorious.

Interested In some carpentry work?

Fill out these contact form and tell me a little bit about what you would like done. I’m really only taking on small projects but am willing to listen. Just leave a description in the message box.